There is actually nothing really to do to the cylinder heads during the major service other than an inspection.
The technicians that performed the previous engine out service seemed to be very fond of FIPG (Form In Place Gasket) or RTV, Hondabond, or whatever you prefer to call it; it was used it everywhere. This stuff certainly has it’s place, but not everywhere. Because it was used on the front cam seals, getting the old bits of rtv out became difficult with the cams installed, so I decided to take the cams off, to clean the sealing area (for the o-Ring, not FIPG). This gave me the opportunity to have peek at the cam followers, and as well the cam bearing surfaces.

As expected, the cam followers and bearing surfaces are in fantastic condition.
As everyone knows the valve guides are considered the problem area, so an engine out gives a great opportunity to “have a look inside”, even without pulling off the cylinder head. It is amazing what you can capture, simply with an iPhone. Simply looking at the valves can tell most of the story and can certainly go a long way to establishing a comfort level, knowing what things look like inside without having to guess or suppose the condition. Happily, the valve train all looks healthy.